Stories of homeless vets have been getting in the news in the last few days. Some are from the vietnam days and some are the newly homeless vets from the Iraq war. Truely a sad thing. After his wife made loud noises to the public and his story was put in the media, Robert Loria's case was reviewed by th military and some of his "debt" to the military was forgiven. This will allow him to return home for the holiday. He lost his left hand in Iraq and the brass had news for him that he owed them money and did not have enough to afford gas to drive his car home... The story of the new york state vet is
coalition of homeless veterans |
u.s. vets
"support the soldiers" site list
america supports you |
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verterans affairs - us gov
Benefit Fund for Robert Loria
Bank of New York
440 route 211 East
Middletown, NY 10940
Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld: 703-692-7100
Fort Hood: Major General James D. Thurman: 254-288-2255
Fort Hood main telephone operator: 254-287-1110
Public Information Officer Jim Whitmeyer: 254-287-0103