This is about the blogs, which has become a special interest to me even tho I have not been at it very long. That said it does not mean that if it is being directed at just the blogs it is ok because it is about free speech and how the government control of politics on the internet will play out. That makes it a concern for all of us. The situation in calif (SF) where they want to legislate at the local level is of note at this stage in the debate. I feel that if you take money for banners and ads then that is something that should be addressed. Blogs like mine that don't have sponsors or ad revenue is another thing altogether. - fc
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"If you look for the social economic motive, you will not have to wait for history to tell you what was propaganda and what was truth." - George Seldes
Sit up, join up, stir it up, get online, get in touch, find out who's raisinghell and join them. No use waiting on a bunch of wussy politicians." - Molly Ivins
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My respect for the free speech rights of others doesn't translate into a personal obligation to provide a public venue for opinions with which I disagree. All comments are subject to my approval.
When the list reaches 30,000, a date and a word will be listed on the page. On that date, every weblog on the list agrees to make a single post with the word as the title. The content of the post should be about what you want for the world, whatever that may be. The purpose is not to make a particular political statement, but simply to make a noise. If 30,000 weblogs all post the same unusual word, it WILL be heard.