As the this medium is getting more and more attention, it is also being scrutinized by the ad agencies. As many people have noticed, it is still dirt cheap to advertise on the blogs. Limited audiance but highly sought after demographic. Things have started to change and the liberal advertising network has been created to take advantage of it. Sites like
DailyKOS and
MyDD and others provide a community of liberals and progressives with much to contribute to the present political arena.
TalkingPointsMemo's Josh Marshall is creating another community at the
TPMCafe and should be online soon. As you can see from the quote from the liberal ad network below, it is not just a matter of a few hundred hits per day that the major blogs are drawing nowdays. Through comments and diaries (blogs within a blog community) people are afforded a outlet that carries more weight than individual blogs like mine that do not get as much exposure. This also means diversified content and more meaniful reactions than message forums and bulletin board systems considering the extra exposure to more people.
The Liberal Advertising Network :: link
By bringing together more than fifty of the most highly trafficked, regularly updated and politically focused liberal and progressive blogs, the Liberal Blog Advertising Network now makes it possible for advertisers to reach virtually the entire liberal and progressive political blogosphere at once. Simply put, no other advertising opportunity can offer an audience so dedicated to liberal and progressive causes. Advertise here, and reach the people who manufacture the liberal and progressive zeitgeist.
Combined, these blogs receive more than one million page views per day from highly informed, dedicated, and influential liberals and progressives. Over 75% of the audience of these blogs either donated to or volunteered for a campaign in 2004. With a median income of $75K, and a median age of 40, readers of these blogs tend to be affluent and young. Click-thru rates also tend to be twice the typical online average.
Note : A very interesting list of blogs on this page...