This Nameless Soldier is headed to Iraq. It will be interesting to follow his journey (hopefully safe and sound) thru Iraq. He has some very interesting views which you can find at his
. He also has his own blog ::
from which he expects to post a few times a week. I wish him the best and hope for his safety as well as all the other folks on the ground in Iraq, fighting Bush's Illegal War.
My Conflict :: link
I got orders yesterday that tell me that I'm officialy going to Iraq. I've known for awhile that it was going to happen, and I'm not leaving for awhile, but it still gave me a strange feeling. I joined the army right out of high school the summer after 9/11. I expected to fight terrorism, but I haven't seen any real connection between Iraq and terrorism in the years before the attack. I've looked too, trying desperately to justify our prescence their.
When I joined it was for, honestly, fery patriotic reasons. When the planes hit I was a senior in highschool with no idea what I wanted to do. I was interested in music and politics, but I didn't know if I wanted to pursue a career in either. The day of the attack I decided that I should join the army. A lot of my close friends and family told me that it was the wrong choice, that I could do more good somewhere else, but I joined anyway so that I could protect our freedoms.