From an article By Thomas L. Friedman
The best way to honor the Koran is to live by the values of mercy and compassion that it propagates.
If that aint the pot calling the kettle black...
Where is the indignation of our supposedly religious leaders that choose an illegal invasion of iraq, killing thousands in the process. "Thou shall not kill".
The reality that is not being addressed is that the fundie muslims do the same thing that our religious people do. They pick and choose verses of their holy book to justify desecrating the rest of it's teachings. Very few in the world understand this or just choose not to. As stated in the Koran and the fatwah of bin Laden, as long as there are foreigners on their land, they are justified in fighting with any means available. This includes anyone who aids the infidels even if it means killing other muslims. The muslim world understands this, therefore we have not one arab nation in our coalition of the gullable, nor any arab/muslim condemnation of these acts. The muslim world has more sense than we give them credit for.
Our fundie warmongers are no better than they are. "Bring me bin Laden's head in a box packed in dry ice and cut the heads off the rest and put them on pikes." We have no high moral ground on which to stand. As an athiest it seems to me that both sides are in a deadly pissing match that will never end. Being brought up in a southern baptist environment it seems that I have more respect for the holy books than most of the people that profess to be saved by their god.
Change must come from within. (Another statement by Friedman)
Man did he hit the nail on the head with this one.
"Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone."