Email them tonight or tomorrow even if it is late when you see this. As noted below, hopefully it will be covered on C-Span... - fc
SarahLee's diary :: DailyKOS ::
Congressman John Conyers, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee are asking their colleagues in the House of Representatives to join them on the evening of June 28 to discuss the Downing Street Minutes on the floor of the House.
They need our help.
Please contact your Congress Member right away and ask them to contact the Judiciary Committee staff and commit to taking part.
Phone: 1-877-762-8762
or use this
Quick eMail tool from
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After Downing Street dot Org
Note: It is not yet showing up on the
C-Span Schedule, but they should be covering it.
Remember, you can submit a public event that you think C-SPAN should cover via