From a link at
DailyKOS comes news of this site which shows the reaction of some of our military people to the latest Rovian Propoganda offending the liberals' feelings concerning Sepember 11, 2001.
Taking The Fight To Karl :: WelcomeThis is a site set up for the purpose of receiving email from men and women serving currently in the United States military or veterans who are angry at Karl Rove's recent comments. I do not serve in the military myself, but I have a friend who is currently fighting in Iraq, my father served in Vietnam and my grandfather served in WWII--all good liberals.
Let Karl Rove know that when it comes to defending the USA, there are no Democrats or Republicans, just Americans.
Here is what one father of two soldiers who
wrote to Markos from Daily Kos had to say today:
Listen, I'm pissed as hell at Rove. I am a democrat and have been forever. (I'm 54) ... my two kids who just happen to be in the US Army serving are also democrats. My son and daughter both joined as soon as they possibly could after 9/11.
So far they are both safe from harm (no thanks to Rove...).
My son and daughter both emailed me last night wanting to know just who in the hell the Rove guy is. They both want to plaster his face everywhere around the bases they are stationed. It seems that Rove didn't know that a good percentage of enlisted folk were Democrats. They like to say around the bases that republicans don't volunteer.
Note: Please visit this site if you are interested in emailing your comments. :: link I left a comment on the blogroll page to be added as a site that supports this effort. There was a comment from
Steve Gilliard as well, so I am sure this page will get plenty of attention from the blogosphere. The original heads up from kos will make it so... As I stated in my comment, I will be glad to mirror their blogroll as I do for the Indy 500 and the Big Brass Alliance. I will add a permalink in the sidebar to this post as this develops. - fc
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