Hurricane Katrina has opened many a blind eye. Indescriminate death and destruction not in Iraq but here at home. The irreligous right terrorists here at home have already made comments to the effect that those people deserve it just as they did with the people in Iraq. Although they argue that God has brought his wrath to bear against the gulf coast it is a demigod, George W. Bush who has brought much the same to Iraq. What chaps me is the wingnuts who are the first to jump on the bandwagon to help people in New Orleans, etc... Where were these people last week? They were fighting with all their power to reduce programs that are aimed at helping many of these same people. As a report just released tells us, the people who are
living below the poverty line has increased as well as people without medical coverage. Yet in D.C. they are fighting cheaper drugs for the needy and trying to kill social security. They have made a travesty of enviromental initiatives and given massive breaks to the oil industry. All of these things affect everyone in this country and especially the poor.
Bush the WarMonger wanted endless wars, well he has one to fight here at home now. The magnitude of the destruction in New Orleans alone is overwhelming. The entire gulf coast as a whole has been destroyed and will be years in rebuilding. The immediate effect of the closing of the oil refineries will be felt very soon. The release of the strategic petroleum reserve will be of little help if the refineries are not up and capable of processing it since the infrastructure in texas is already running at full capacity. Gas is $3.10 a gallon in Ashland KY. today. What will it be when the full extent of damage to the gulf coast refineries is known? $3.50 - $4.50 - $5.00... People talk about how outdated the oil infrastructure in Iraq was. Guess what? It is just as bad here. I worked in one of the only bromine plants in the U.S. in South Arkansas in the late 70s and early 80s and it was just re-built rehashed systems that were installed in the late 50s and early 60s. The oil refineries are the same. Old outdated and easier to keep running than to start one up. I heard that several of them are down and flooded in Lousiana. It will be a nightmare to get them back online. I went through several shutdowns and startups in my day and that had nothing to do with massive flooding which kills pumps, electrical controls and refining towers. We are in for more grief than anyone realises right now and it will get much worse before it gets better.
These republicans that want to cut programs and give breaks to the rich will find that the people of this country will not tollerate their rethoric and lies when it comes to helping these people on the gulf coast. With luck it will translate to all people of this country getting what they deserve from our government. Hypocrisy and corruption may be in it's last throes...
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