Is he worried about the dead and dying in the streets of NOLA? Or worried he didn't get to finish his vacation. If he cared about the people of NOLA, he didn't show it the day this photo was taken. The bureaucracy he spoke so often about
was getting in the way of saving peoples lives. He only made it worse. After days and days of saying help was on the way, it was still 3 days after this picture before it finally started arriving in NOLA. The man who had made such a big deal of keeping us safe after 9-11 showed his true face to the american public. It was not a man who cared for people but a man who was fighting a losing battle to keep his poll numbers from falling even more than they had after his handling of Cindy Sheehan and the war in Iraq. Actually it was more of a matter of not dealing with Sheehan and not dealing with the reality that his administration was in deep trouble. Americans have always had a deep desire to trust their president to do what is best for America. George W. Bush has shaken that trust and that precept may never be held as hallowed ground again until they prove it with actions and not just empty rethoric.
Torture, Treason, Corruption, Lies and Incompetence ...
By their works you shall know... The Republicans 2000 - 2008