With the blogosphere abuzz with news of the leaks in info about TraitorGate, the Delay indictment and arrest warrsnt, the Frist inside trading scandal and the falling poll numbers for Bush, some things slip in Under the Radar. CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) has filed suit against the Indian tribes in the Abramoff investigation for release of documents that were requested under the FOIA. Common Cause has done an excellant job of documenting election reform in many states. I am proud to say that my state of Ohio has
four initiatives on the next ballot to help reform our polluted state political machine. The Economic Policy Institute's news release brings more disturbing news about minimum wage and the effect it will have on workers. This is above and beyond the efforts of the Bush Administration to cut wages for the Katrina Rebuilding. It is such a sad situation that Bush and his cronies are so willing to harm the hard working middle and lower class of this country, the very ones who have built this country. In other grassroots efforts to curb Bush Administration's corruption and illegal wars, The AFSC (American Friends Service Committee) are planning a war protest upon the milstone of 2000 American Soldiers killed in Iraq, which may be much sooner than any of us would like. I plan to attend one in
New Boston, Ohio which is just 26 miles down the road from here. Please check the link below for a protest near you and add you voice to the effort.
- fc