Republicans Blister White HouseBy
DarkSydeDailyKOS.comWed Feb 15, 2006
Feel safer yet? There are so many instances of what can only be interpreted as paranoid behavior, incompetence, misinformation, scandals in various states of legal and journalistic illumination, or blatant lying, now plaguing this White House, that just trying to keep up with them all is bewildering. But from Loose-lips Libby to Heckuva-job Brownie to Dead-eye Dick, perhaps a useful unifying framework to keep it all sorted out is the apparent Bush and Company gub'mint playbook:
• Step 1: Screw-up
• Step 2: Evade, spin, and Cover-up
• Step 3: When it's too late Show-up
• Step 4: Quietly Lawyer-up
• Step 5: Finally, promise to cooperate and then Clam-up
Maybe the powers that be lost the next page out of the playbook, or they would know Step 5 is traditionally followed by Step 6 in which voters demonstrate at the polls that they're
fed-up. Or Step 6a; after which the guilty and the complicit are