Murtha: The 'Only People Who Want Us in Iraq' are Iran, al Qaeda, and China
Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) today on CBS's Face the Nation:
Let me tell you, the only people who want us in Iraq is Iran and al-Qaeda. I've talked to a top-level commander the other day, it was about two weeks ago, and he said China wants us there also. Why? Because we're depleting our resources - our troop resources and our fiscal resources.
Murtha's concerns are grounded in fact. The war in Iraq has allowed a
historic expansion of Iranian influence westward, created
a new haven and terrorist training ground for al Qaeda, and strained our military into a "
'thin green line' that could snap unless relief comes soon."
UPDATE: Crooks & Liars has the
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Let me introduce you to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
When you visit the site, take a moment to really look at the splash page before you click on the "english" button. Take a look at the map of the world in the background. Now compare that to their logo. Notice how much landmass is covered in their logo? I make the point because Americans generally learn geography based on who we are bombing. This time it would be wise to learn it up front.
Current members include Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazahkstan, Kyrgystan and Tajikistan. Now most folks in the US is probably laughing "who cares about these pissant countries!" This will wipe the smile off your face: Member countries represent 1/4 of the world's population. Two of the countries are nuclear powers. One is a major oil producer. Think they don't have clout? Here is a story from last November that didn't get much play:
Uzbekistan Ends U.S. Use of Airbase Aiding Afghanistan Mission
You probably don't know much about Uzbekistan. Don't be surprised. It is a small impoverished country with a GDP approx. equal to Bill Gates' personal fortune. ($47B USD) If it was a state, West Virginia would be giving it assistance.
You think given Uzbekistan's strategic location we would leave willingly? You really believe the Bush administration chose to put "human rights" as a higher priority than a forward base in Central Asia as a launch pad for counterterrorism operations?
Now ask yourself... when was the last time some pissant little country forced the US to close down one of its bases? When was the last time ANY country forced the US to get out?
Obviously Uzbekistan has something West Virginia doesn't. It belongs to SCO. Belonging to SCO allows them to align themselves with Russia AND China. But wait... there's more: Iran, India, Pakistan and Mongolia are all petitioning for membership in the SCO. When that happens, you will have 4 nuclear powers representing 1/2 the world's population! Consider the President's recent itineraries and you will notice something interesting. He has recently been to Mongolia (first time for any president), and India (first time for him), Pakistan (first time for him). Hell of a coincidence for a guy who doesn't travel much.
Right now the SCO is primarily dedicated to making sure that all these countries can settle regional issues without a shooting war in Central Asia (where they all share borders). But that will quickly change with the addition of India, Iran, Pakistan and Mongolia. Then it will be a alliance that can counter any threat in the world.
Basically the countries in the SCO will cover a landmass from Europe to Central and South Asia to Asia. From the Baltic and Black Seas to the Pacific. From the Arctic to the Indian Ocean.
Look at the map and you will realize the only country missing from that grand coalition is Afghanistan.
If you think about it for a minute or two, it should be obvious that power bloc would have significant geographic, military, economic, and natural resource clout. Here's why The overwhelming assessment by Asian officials, diplomats and analysts is that the U.S. military simply cannot defeat China. And China is not alone.
Comment by Background Noise - March 5, 2006
AP: More Than 5,000 Secret Federal Trials In Last Three Years
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Despite the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of public trials, nearly all records are being kept secret for more than 5,000 defendants who completed their journey through the federal courts over the last three years
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
It's Not Just The Law, It's The Constitution
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AP: Many defendants' cases kept secret - by Michael J. Sniffen and John Solomon