Dear Representative,
• I respectfully ask you to vote AGAINST the COPE Act of 2006 (HR5252). This damaging and poorly designed legislation will negatively impact life for tens of millions of Americans in every community of our country.
1) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that weakens or ends Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) TV! PEG TV is a cornerstone of local government, education, and our democracy - any new telecommunication laws must guarantee current or increased levels of funding for Public Access TV - and current or increased numbers of channels!
2) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that does not guarantee local control and local design of PEG TV - PEG TV is America's local television service, it must reflect the needs the local communities!
3) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that does not include Build Out requirements - preventing the 'redlining' of low income, rural and minority communities - these communities must have equal access to data, voice and video services!
4) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that does not contain Net Neutrality requirements - the Internet must continue to carry content equally and democratically - and continue to be a marketplace-of-ideas for all people!