Cernig quotes a bit of info from Seymour Hersh's upcoming article which tells us that another "Office of Special Plans" (Douglas Feith and NeoCon Crew) type unit has been set up under the Office of The Joint Cheifs. If this is the reality and knowing Gen. Pace's stance about Iran, it only seems logical that this new initiative is being forced on them from what would be left of the NeoCon contingency - post Rumsfeld.
Hopefully the wiser heads in the top positions in our military will make it known to the war-monger in chief that his war making days are over...
London Times- US Generals Will Revolt Over Iran Attack
A couple of days ago, I posted about Gwynne Dyer's claim that Gen. Peter Pace, the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs, was prepared to resign if the White House insisted on war with Iran over threadbare "evidence".
Now, the London Sunday Times has a report which says it may well be more than just Pace, co-written by the interesting partnership of Michael Smith (who broke the Downing Street Memo story and is widely regarded as the British intelligence community's spokesman in the UK press) and Sarah Baxter (a well-connected pro-American insider in US military and diplomatic circles oft-quoted by neocon pundits).
I suggested back when Pace first broke with the until-then White House line on Iran that he might have been one of Sy Hersh's sources for his report that the Pentagon's generals were revolting over White House plans to use tactical nukes in any Iran strike. Now, Hersh is in the news again with a forthcoming story about alleged US contingency plans for an attack:
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Despite the Bush administration's insistence it has no plans to go to war with Iran, a Pentagon panel has been created to plan a bombing attack that could be implemented within 24 hours of getting the go-ahead from President George W. Bush, The New Yorker magazine reported in its latest issue.
The special planning group was established within the office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in recent months, according to an unidentified former U.S. intelligence official cited in the article by investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in the March 4 issue.
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