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It’s getting worse
by pastordan
Sat Feb 17th, 2007 at 18:58:21 PST
There's more, much more: disoriented soldiers with fractured skulls being handed a map and told to find their way across the base, psychologically fragile vets being left alone in an unsecured building on a drug-dealing corner, bureaucratic nightmares that swallow up months of work at making improvements. I'm with Aravosis on this:
Forget the agenda Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid had planned. It's high time we helped our troops. And if the Republicans won't do it, then we will. Let's ensure that the American people and our troops know which party got them into this mess, and which party is getting them out of it. Let the hearings and investigation and legislation begin until we fix these problems once and for all.
Shame of the Bush Admin — deplorable conditions in Army hospital
by Pam Spaulding February 18th, 2007
Soldiers Face Neglect, Frustration At Army’s Top Medical Facility. He sends them to fight in his military misadventures without enough armor, wears the best and the brightest down with stop-loss orders, and now, in the WaPo, we learn how Dear Leader takes care of his war-injured men and women. When you read this mind-boggling piece by Dana Priest and Anne Hull about Walter Reed Army Medical Center, one can only imagine what kind of hailstorm of criticism would hit if a Dem sat in the Oval Office.