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» Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Tom Noe pleads guilty in Ohio

Corrupt Republican for Bush! From The Toledo Blade comes this welcome news that Noe pleads guilty to illegally funneling donations to Bush.   This is such sweet news for us in Ohio.   Not only does he get taken down but as the article below notes, there are several other corrupt republicans going to face public scrutinty for their part in his funneling money to the little cowboy...   Also as noted below Mr Noe also still faces over four dozen charges in connection with CoinGate (His investing Workmans Comp money in his coin dealers business).   - fc
Noe pleads guilty to illegally funneling donations to Bush

By Mike Wilkinson and Steve Eder

Former GOP fund-raiser Tom Noe admitted today that he used politicians, former aides to Gov. Bob Taft, coworkers, and friends to illegally pour thousands of dollars into the effort to reelect President Bush.

Noe entered a guilty plea before U.S. District Court Judge David Katz in Toledo to all three felony charges he faced for violating federal campaign finance law.

With the admission, Noe faces a maximum of five years in prison on each count, but likely faces 24-30 months in prison. He also faces a potential fine of nearly $1 million, and possibly probation.

John Pearson, an assistant U.S. Attorney in the public integrity section of the Justice Department, said he would seek an even harsher penalty for Noe because of the "potential loss of public faith in the presidential race."

The Noe probe identified several current and former politicians as "conduits," including Toledo City Councilman Betty Shultz, Lucas County Commissioner Maggie Thurber, former Toledo mayor Donna Owens, and former state representative Sally Perz.

All face potential state ethics charges for failing to disclose the money from Noe. He still faces more than four dozen other charges in Lucas County Common Pleas Court on allegations that he stole millions of dollars from two rare-coin funds he managed for the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation.

Continue reading this article...

» Monday, May 29, 2006

Laws Bush Broke

Indict and Impeach From Impeach Bush Coalition member John McCarthy ( VETERANS FOR PEACE, INC. ) at Take Action! -- Take Back America! - Indictment & Impeachment we have a list of the laws, conventions and treaties that George W. Bush has broken and thereby stands to be impeached upon.   On this Memorial Day 2006 it is important that we honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice.   There can be no higher honor than to indict, impeach and imprison George W Bush for his crimes against humanity and his breach of trust that was bestowed upon him in becoming President of the United States of America.   - fc
Veterans For Peace Take Action! -- Take Back America! - Indictment & Impeachment!

Laws violated by President George W. Bush, Vice-President Richard Cheney, public officials under their authority, and members of the U.S. military under their command, sufficient for impeachment.

The U. S. Constitution, Art. VI, para. 2, makes treaties adopted by the U.S. part of the “law of the land.” Thus, a violation of the U. N. Charter, Hague IV, Geneva Conventions, etc. is also a violation of U.S. federal law.

U.S. Federal Law 18 U.S.C. § 2441 (War Crimes Act of 1996) makes committing a war crime, defined as: " ...a grave breach in any of the international conventions signed at Geneva 12 August 1949, or any protocol to such convention to which the United States is a party... " punishable by fine, imprisonment, or death.

The following treaties and charters which define: wars of aggression, war crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity.
Laws and Customs of War on Land (Hague IV)

Art. 55. The occupying State shall be regarded only as administrator…of public buildings, real estate, forests, and agricultural estates belonging to the hostile State, and situated in the occupied country. It must safeguard the capital of these properties, and administer them in accordance with the rules of usufruct.
U.N. Gen. Assembly Res. 3314

Defines the crime of aggression as "... the use of armed force by a State against the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of another State... or in any other manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations..."
Nuremberg Tribunal Charter

(a) Crimes against peace: Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties;

(b) War crimes: ...murder, ill-treatment... of civilian population of or in occupied territory; murder or ill-treatment of prisoners of war, ...plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages...

(c) Crimes against humanity: Murder, extermination... and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population... when such acts are done... in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime."
Geneva Conventions

A) Protocol I, Article 75: "(1)...persons who are in the power of a Party to the conflict... shall be treated humanely in all circumstances... (2) The following acts are and shall remain prohibited... whether committed by civilian or by military agents: (a) violence to the life, health, or physical or mental well-being of persons... (b) outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, enforced prostitution and any form of indecent assault…and threats to commit any of the foregoing acts."

B) Protocol I, Art. 51: "The civilian population... shall not be the object of attack. Acts or threats of violence the primary purpose of which is to spread terror among the civilian population are prohibited." Art. 57: (parties shall) "do everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects…an attack shall be cancelled or suspended if it becomes apparent that the objective is not a military one..."

C) Protocol I, Art. 70: "The Parties to the conflict... shall allow and facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of all relief consignments, equipment and personnel... even if such assistance is destined for the civilian population of the adverse Party."

D) Protocol I, Art. 35: "In any armed conflict, the right of the Parties... to choose methods or means of warfare is not unlimited... It is prohibited to employ methods or means of warfare which are intended, or may be expected, to cause widespread, long-term and severe damage to the environment."

E) Convention I, Art. 3: "Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down theirarms... shall in all circumstances be treated humanely... To this end, the following acts (in addition to those listed in Art. 75, above) are and shall remain prohibited: ...the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples."

F) Convention III, Art. 5: "Should any doubt arise as to whether persons, having committed a belligerent act and having fallen into the hands of the enemy (are prisoners of war under this Convention), such persons shall enjoy the protection of the present Convention until such time as their status has been determined by a competent tribunal."

G) Convention IV, Art. 33: "No protected person may be punished for an offence he or she has not personally committed. Collective penalties and likewise all measures of intimidation or of terrorism are prohibited."

» Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Intel Czar Can Waive SEC Rules

BusinessWeek Top News! The way it looks now, these companies that are handing over our information to the government and permitted to lie about it, can also hide the money trail that financed the programs.   Aint it kewl... If you can't work within the law... Just write you an excuse from Dubya that says it's Ok to do anything you want to...  No Problem...   - fc


Top News
Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules
 By Dawn Kopecki
 May 23, 2006

Now, the White House's top spymaster can cite national security to exempt businesses from reporting requirements

President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5, 2006, that was opaque to the untrained eye.

Unbeknownst to almost all of Washington and the financial world, Bush and every other President since Jimmy Carter have had the authority to exempt companies working on certain top-secret defense projects from portions of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. Administration officials told BusinessWeek that they believe this is the first time a President has ever delegated the authority to someone outside the Oval Office. It couldn't be immediately determined whether any company has received a waiver under this provision.

The timing of Bush's move is intriguing. On the same day the President signed the memo, Porter Goss resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency amid criticism of ineffectiveness and poor morale at the agency. Only six days later, on May 11, USA Today reported that the National Security Agency had obtained millions of calling records of ordinary citizens provided by three major U.S. phone companies. Negroponte oversees both the CIA and NSA in his role as the administration's top intelligence official.

AUTHORITY GRANTED. William McLucas, the Securities & Exchange Commission's former enforcement chief, suggested that the ability to conceal financial information in the name of national security could lead some companies "to play fast and loose with their numbers." McLucas, a partner at the law firm Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr in Washington, added: "It could be that you have a bunch of books and records out there that no one knows about."

The memo Bush signed on May 5, which was published seven days later in the Federal Register, had the unrevealing title "Assignment of Function Relating to Granting of Authority for Issuance of Certain Directives: Memorandum for the Director of National Intelligence." In the document, Bush addressed Negroponte, saying: "I hereby assign to you the function of the President under section 13(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended."

A trip to the statute books showed that the amended version of the 1934 act states that "with respect to matters concerning the national security of the United States," the President or the head of an Executive Branch agency may exempt companies from certain critical legal obligations. These obligations include keeping accurate "books, records, and accounts" and maintaining "a system of internal accounting controls sufficient" to ensure the propriety of financial transactions and the preparation of financial statements in compliance with "generally accepted accounting principles."


» Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Whistle-Blower's Evidence, Uncut

Wired News! This turn of events has made the revelations about the AT&T SpyGate affair even more complicated.   The judge left it open for all this information to be made available to the public.   There are some really technical tidbits at the Knoxviews ::   Inside Room 641A at 611 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA..   - fc
Wired News
Tech News
Whistle-Blower's Evidence, Uncut
 02:00 AM May, 22, 2006

Former AT&T technician Mark Klein is the key witness in the Electronic Frontier Foundation's class-action lawsuit against the telecommunications company, which alleges that AT&T cooperated in an illegal National Security Agency domestic surveillance program.

In a public statement Klein issued last month, he described the NSA's visit to an AT&T office. In an older, less-public statement recently acquired by Wired News, Klein goes into additional details of his discovery of an alleged surveillance operation in an AT&T building in San Francisco.

Klein supports his claim by attaching excerpts of three internal company documents: a Dec. 10, 2002, manual titled "Study Group 3, LGX/Splitter Wiring, San Francisco," a Jan. 13, 2003, document titled "SIMS, Splitter Cut-In and Test Procedure" and a second "Cut-In and Test Procedure" dated Jan. 24, 2003.

Here we present Klein's statement in its entirety, with inline links to all of the document excerpts where he cited them. You can also download the complete file here (pdf). The full AT&T documents are filed under seal in federal court in San Francisco.


» Monday, May 22, 2006

SpyGate :: Overview

Seymour M. Hersh This article in The New Yorker by Seymour M. Hersh puts glaringly realistic questions to and a thorough background explanation to SpyGate.   Nuff' said...   Read it and weep...   First we were conned into fighting a war against a tactic instead of an enemy.   Almost from the outset, Bush's Legacy :: Incompetence :: followed him into what has become his War Of Terror.   A War against the very Constitution and Laws that he swore to uphold and execute.   A Unitary President, above the law and shooting from the hip never seeming to notice he is shooting his own toes off.   Until it is too late and then just throw it all out the window, reload and repeat the same shortsightedness and incompentent illplanning and follow through.   It seems that we have turned the corner so many times only to see them painting themselves into yet another corner.     - fc
by Seymour M. Hersh

Posted 2006-05-22

After the attacks of September 11, 2001, it was clear that the intelligence community needed to get more aggressive and improve its performance. The Administration, deciding on a quick fix, returned to the tactic that got intelligence agencies in trouble thirty years ago: intercepting large numbers of electronic communications made by Americans. The N.S.A.'s carefully constructed rules were set aside.

The N.S.A. also programmed computers to map the connections between telephone numbers in the United States and suspect numbers abroad, sometimes focussing on a geographic area, rather than on a specific person-for example, a region of Pakistan. Such calls often triggered a process, known as "chaining," in which subsequent calls to and from the American number were monitored and linked. The way it worked, one high-level Bush Administration intelligence official told me, was for the agency "to take the first number out to two, three, or more levels of separation, and see if one of them comes back"-if, say, someone down the chain was also calling the original, suspect number. As the chain grew longer, more and more Americans inevitably were drawn in.

But the point, obviously, was to identify terrorists. "After you hit something, you have to figure out what to do with it," the Administration intelligence official told me. The next step, theoretically, could have been to get a suspect’s name and go to the fisa court for a warrant to listen in. One problem, however, was the volume and the ambiguity of the data that had already been generated. ("There's too many calls and not enough judges in the world," the former senior intelligence official said.) The agency would also have had to reveal how far it had gone, and how many Americans were involved. And there was a risk that the court could shut down the program.

Instead, the N.S.A. began, in some cases, to eavesdrop on callers (often using computers to listen for key words) or to investigate them using traditional police methods. A government consultant told me that tens of thousands of Americans had had their calls monitored in one way or the other. "In the old days, you needed probable cause to listen in," the consultant explained. "But you could not listen in to generate probable cause. What they're doing is a violation of the spirit of the law." One C.I.A. officer told me that the Administration, by not approaching the FISA court early on, had made it much harder to go to the court later.

On May 11th, President Bush, responding to the USA Today story, said, "If Al Qaeda or their associates are making calls into the United States, or out of the United States, we want to know what they are saying." That is valid, and a well-conceived, properly supervised intercept program would be an important asset. "Nobody disputes the value of the tool," the former senior intelligence official told me. "It's the unresolved tension between the operators saying, 'Here's what we can build,' and the legal people saying, 'Just because you can build it doesn't mean you can use it.' "It's a tension that the President and his advisers have not even begun to come to terms with.

Note :: Added emphasis - mine

» Saturday, May 20, 2006

Drug Safety Problems

FDA Doesn't Care We all should be on the same page concerning this issue.   There are legitimate concerns because of the dangerous side effects of certain drugs that have been recalled in the recent past.   It should be common sense that drives us to make the Pharma companies responsible and open with their studies and warnings about new drugs and give the FDA the power to do something about drug safety.   - fc

FDA gets failing grade on protecting patient safety
Congress needs to act now!

The government's own investigative arm has found that the FDA has no clear policy for dealing with drug safety problems, and doesn't even have any real power to require drug makers to conduct safety studies when needed.

In fact, investigators found when a drug safety problem comes to light, the FDA lacks a system for deciding what actions to take and when.

So serious is the problem that the Government Accountability Office is recommending that Congress expand the FDA's authority over drug companies. Yet bills that would give the agency that power, as well as require drug studies be made public, languish on Capitol Hill.

Tell Congress you want to know why they aren't making drug safety a priority. Two bi-partisan bills that would require drug companies to release studies showing dangerous side effects, conduct further safety studies when problems arise, and allow quicker FDA safety warning labeling haven’t even had a hearing.

Act now! Ask Congress to hold hearings and vote on these bills, so we can have faith that the FDA is putting patient safety first.
Make drug safety a bigger priority!

Dear [Decision Maker],

I recently learned that our government's investigative arm has found significant problems with the FDA's drug safety process including a lack of simple criteria for determining when to take action when dangerous drugs may be on the market.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) study also recommends Congress pass legislation so the agency can require drug companies conduct needed safety studies. I urge you to consider the GAO's recommendations, and support legislation (S 470, the Fair Access to Clinical Trials Act and S 930, the Food and Drug Administration Safety Act) that would significantly improve our drug safety system.
I expect the FDA to ensure that medications on the market are as safe and effective as possible. But the countless deaths linked to Vioxx, several antidepressants and now ADHD drugs has made me doubtful that Congress is taking seriously problems in our drug-safety system. To restore my faith that the government is doing all it can to ensure the medicines I take each day are as safe and effective, please support drug and medical device safety reform efforts this year.

The components of these bills would:

* Require drug companies to register and make public the results of their clinical drug trials so researchers, doctors and consumers would know about possible harmful side effects. Now, drug companies give those study results to the FDA but are not required to make them public, allowing drug makers to play up positive results and bury negative ones. Such was the case with Vioxx and Paxil.

* Give FDA new authority to require drug companies to conduct further safety studies of new drugs, and require them to take action to reduce risks. Currently, the FDA has very limited authority to require post-market safety studies or label changes to reflect drug risks, as the GAO report (Drug Safety: Improvement Needed in FDA's Postmarket Decision-making and Oversight Process) points out.

* Make drug advertisements clearer for consumers. Ads for new drugs would be submitted to the FDA before they run, and would have to include information that provides a more accurate understanding about safety risks and uncertainties.

* More authority and a higher profile for Post-Market Drug Evaluation and Research at the FDA. Giving the agency the adequate tools and authority would ensure that post-market safety efforts are focused on protecting consumers.
These are common-sense measures that won't slow the flow of new, life-saving drugs and therapies to the market. Rather, they will make sure doctors, researchers and patients know about possible harmful side effects of drugs, and give the FDA the tools to take action when safety problems arise.

Congress shouldn't wait for any more unnecessary deaths and injuries to act. I urge you to support these measures now to ensure the safety of myself and my family when it comes to prescription drugs.



» Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Total Information Awareness

NSA's Topsail ARS Techinca's Hannibal has some very insightful information regarding what actually may be going on at the NSA.   Congress has tried to kill the Total Information Awareness program that was brainstormed at DARPA.   In the end it was renamed Topsail and transfered to the NSA.   This happened before 9-11-2001.   So began the spying on American citizens.   This may be part of what whistleblower Russel Tice is going to make known to Congress this week.   This may not be all he has to bring to light.   Hannibal steps thru the details of what TIA (Topsail) is all about.   - fc
ARS TechnicaTIA (aka Topsail) unveiled: the real scope of the NSA's domestic spying program

5/11/2006 by Hannibal

Communications metadata and The Big Database in the Sky

The new USA Today article reveals that the NSA has been collecting and archiving "transactional information" on all domestic calls made within the US—who called whom, when, from where, etc. The transactional data is acquired from cooperating telcos (AT&T, Verizon, BellSouth, but not Qwest) and fed it into a massive database so that the NSA can analyze the collected calling patterns for clues as to possible terrorist activity. Contrary to what the government has publicly claimed about the NSA's massive signals intelligence (SIGINT) vacuum, there is no requirement here that one end of the call be located in a foreign country; we're talking about calls between me and my grandmother, and in fact about every call I've ever made over the past few years.

Probable cause

You might recall from our earlier coverage of a related instance of law enforcement overreach that government access to phone call transactional data is regulated by 18 USC 2703, which stipulates that the government doesn't need to show "probable cause" when petitioning for a court order to obtain this information on a customer. The standard that the government must meet is set at a lower threshold than probable cause, but it's not set at zero.

Crucially, the NSA's data-mining program not only dispenses with probable cause, but it dispenses entirely with the court order and thus with the lowered standard of evidence.

Think about that for a moment: the program is secret, and there is no judicial or congressional oversight (as of today, there's not even any executive branch oversight from the Justice Department), so the national security establishment has arrogated to itself carte blanche to snoop your phone activity and possibly to detain you indefinitely without a warrant based on what they find.

More to come

The original revelations about the NSA's SIGINT vacuum were just the tip of the iceberg, and the new revelations show us just a little bit more of the beast. Based on a few fairly recent stories we've run here at Ars, it appears there's probably more that we've yet to see. Much more.

Exhibit A is the story I linked above, about the feds getting a judicial ruling that extends the definition of "transactional information" to the data about your physical location that cell phone records contain. Law enforcement can now track your physical location via your cell phone without showing probable cause, so the precedent here is that, in the absence of clear laws governing this specific type of data (i.e., cell phone location data) the definition of "transactional data" is being stretched to fit new types of communications "metadata."

Now let's look at Exhibit B, which is an article on an AT&T whistleblower who spilled the beans on the NSA's secret surveillance rooms at major telco hubs. Inside these surveillance rooms is NSA network traffic analysis equipment, which is hooked into the fiber optic feeds of the main network via splitters that can siphon off signal for the NSA to snoop. The NSA then passes this siphoned signal through some heavy-duty traffic analysis equipment from a company called Narus. Here are just a few things that one of the Narus products can do, according to the product web page:
* Universal data collection from links, routers, soft switches, IDS/IPS, databases, etc. provides total network view across the world's largest IP networks.
* Normalization, Correlation, Aggregation and Analysis provide a comprehensive and detailed model of user, element, protocol, application and network behaviors, in real time.
* Unparalleled extensibility - NarusInsight's functionality can easily be configured to feed a particular activity or IP service such as security, lawful intercept or even Skype detection and blocking.
And here's what the "intercept suite" add-on module lets you do with this device:
* CALEA- and ETSI-compliant modules for lawful intercept featuring a robust warrant management system. Capabilities include playback of streaming media (for example, VoIP), rendering of Web pages, examination of e-mails and the ability to analyze the payload/attachments of e-mail or file transfer protocols.
* Proprietary directed analysis monitoring and surveillance module offering seamless integration with the NSS or other DDoS, intrusion or anomaly detection systems, securely providing analysts with real-time, surgical targeting of suspect information (from flow to application to full packets).
USA, meet TIA
Let's recap:
* Law enforcement has shown that they consider any transactional data arising from voice communications—either POTS (plain old telephone system), cellular, or VoIP—to be fair game and to be covered by a much lower threshold than "probable cause." * In the absence of up-to-date laws, the POTS-based definition of "transactional information" is being stretched to fit new forms of data arising from new forms of communication (e.g. location data arising from cell phone calls). * The NSA, for its part, has gone further and demonstrated that they consider such transactional data to be theirs to snoop, aggregate, and mine without any kind of court order at all. * This transactional data can be correlated to specific end users by indexing their phone number(s) into a wide array of commercially available databases that cover many other aspects of our financial and private lives. * The NSA also has in place the ability to collect "transactional information" for IP-based communications, like Web sessions, email, FTP, VoIP, and more.
Now, does anyone seriously think that the NSA is not collecting transactional data (at a minimum) for Web, email, FTP and other IP-based communications, and/or that they're not tying all of this data to individual users?

Just in case you're not convinced that the NSA is, right now—not at some unspecified point in the future, but at this very moment—compiling a complete and customized voice and data communications profile of every US citizen and mining all of those profiles for "terrorist activity," take a look at these paragraphs from a 2002 Wired article that we linked in this post.
It's a system which, it hopes, will ferret out terrorists' information signatures -- clues available before an attack, but usually not correctly interpreted until afterwards -- and decode them prior to an assault...

According to the IAO's blueprint, TIA's five-year goal is the "total reinvention of technologies for storing and accessing information ... although database size will no longer be measured in the traditional sense, the amounts of data that will need to be stored and accessed will be unprecedented, measured in petabytes."
Our own coverage also pulled this quote from the now-defunct DARPA page for TIA:
According to DARPA, such data collection "increases information coverage by an order of magnitude," and ultimately "requires keeping track of individuals and understanding how they fit into models."
The USA Today report, in conjunction with other reports on the nature and scope of the NSA's communications surveillance activities, paints a picture of a massive data collection program that is in operation right now and is essentially an implementation of the very same TIA initiative that Congress has repeatedly tried to stop. Contrary to what DARPA claimed when they publicly started taking bids from companies to get involved with TIA, this program apparently does not require some "revolutionary" technology that's years in the future. It is being done now, with today's technology.

This should come as no surprise to anyone who's been paying attention. Earlier this year, we linked a Newsweek article that reported that TIA was still around in the form of a program called Topsail. Late last month, Technology Review reported that this program had at some point been moved from DARPA to the NSA, and magazine asked the question:
"Has the NSA been employing those TIA technologies in its surveillance within the United States? And what exactly is the agency doing, anyway?"
Well, now we know that the answer to the former question is a definitive "yes," and we have parts of the answer to the latter question.

Continue Reading this article...

» Sunday, May 14, 2006

Rove Indicted

Mayo de Fitzgerald Great news for fans of justice and truthiness.   It has been a long time coming but it sure is sweet now that it is here.   What will Bushji and the GOPers do without their hatchet man...?   Straight to the bottom of the well for all I care.   - fc
Update :: 5-17-06   -   Looks like it was a false alarm on this info by and Jason Leopold.   There is still the possibility that it may still happen Friday when the grand jury is available to Fitzgerald.   We can always hope that justice will be served and these crooks and conmen in the White House get what they deserve... -fc
Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators

By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t | Report

Saturday 13 May 2006

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald spent more than half a day Friday at the offices of Patton Boggs, the law firm representing Karl Rove.

During the course of that meeting, Fitzgerald served attorneys for former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove with an indictment charging the embattled White House official with perjury and lying to investigators related to his role in the CIA leak case, and instructed one of the attorneys to tell Rove that he has 24 hours to get his affairs in order, high level sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said Saturday morning.

Robert Luskin, Rove's attorney, did not return a call for comment. Sources said Fitzgerald was in Washington, DC, Friday and met with Luskin for about 15 hours to go over the charges against Rove, which include perjury and lying to investigators about how and when Rove discovered that Valerie Plame Wilson was a covert CIA operative and whether he shared that information with reporters, sources with direct knowledge of the meeting said.

It was still unknown Saturday whether Fitzgerald charged Rove with a more serious obstruction of justice charge. Sources close to the case said Friday that it appeared very likely that an obstruction charge against Rove would be included with charges of perjury and lying to investigators.

An announcement by Fitzgerald is expected to come this week, sources close to the case said. However, the day and time is unknown. Randall Samborn, a spokesman for the special prosecutor was unavailable for comment. In the past, Samborn said he could not comment on the case.

The grand jury hearing evidence in the Plame Wilson case met Friday on other matters while Fitzgerald spent the entire day at Luskin's office. The meeting was a closely guarded secret and seems to have taken place without the knowledge of the media.

» Thursday, May 11, 2006


Save PEG TV Communications Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006

Communications, Consumer's Choice, and Broadband Deployment Act of 2006

Save PEG Community Media!   Keep the Internet Open!   Defend Local Control!   Stop Red-Lining in Our Communities!

Save Access
Dear Representative,

  I respectfully ask you to vote AGAINST the COPE Act of 2006 (HR5252). This damaging and poorly designed legislation will negatively impact life for tens of millions of Americans in every community of our country.

1) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that weakens or ends Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) TV! PEG TV is a cornerstone of local government, education, and our democracy - any new telecommunication laws must guarantee current or increased levels of funding for Public Access TV - and current or increased numbers of channels!

2) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that does not guarantee local control and local design of PEG TV - PEG TV is America's local television service, it must reflect the needs the local communities!

3) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that does not include Build Out requirements - preventing the 'redlining' of low income, rural and minority communities - these communities must have equal access to data, voice and video services!

4) Please vote against the COPE Act or any legislation that does not contain Net Neutrality requirements - the Internet must continue to carry content equally and democratically - and continue to be a marketplace-of-ideas for all people!

Sign Now

» Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Ask Them To Resign

Ney, Jefferson, Doolittle and Burns Will the corruption and sleaze ever end? Representative Cunningham was the first one convicted for illegal behavior, but other indictments are most certainly going to come out in upcoming weeks. Here are four of the worst to keep your eyes on:
  • Representative Bob Ney, R-OH: Representative Ney is at the center of the Abramoff corruption scandal. Rep. Ney and his staff reportedly took numerous gifts and trips, including golfing at the Old Course at St. Andrews in Scotland. In addition, they had regular meals and drinks at Abramoff's Washington restaurant and used Abramoff's luxury box suites at Camden Yards baseball stadium in Baltimore for campaign fund-raisers. A former aide to Rep. Ney, Neil Volz, has just pleaded guilty to conspiring with Abramoff to corrupt Ney and other members of his staff by peddling trips, free tickets and meals.
  • Senator Conrad Burns, R-MT: Senator Burns received close to $150,000 in campaign funds from Indian tribes through Jack Abramoff and his associates. Originally, Sen. Burns pledged to return the money after the Abramoff story made headlines -- but in late April, it was reported that Rep. Burns will now use the money to pay for his defense against corruption charges.
  • Representative William Jefferson, D-LA: A Louisville businessman recently pled guilty in federal court to paying more than $400,000 in bribes to Jefferson; he has also been accused of misusing federal resources in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The nonpartisan ethics watchdog group CREW has called for an investigation; recently, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi agreed.
  • Representative John Doolittle, R-CA: Representative Doolittle has been paying 15% commissions on all his fundraising to a company, Sierra Dominion, that is owned by his wife (and also on retainer from Jack Abramoff’s company). This resulted in Rep. Doolittle, in effect, enriching himself by skimming off campaign funds into his own household budget.
Do these elected officials have no shame? They should come to their senses and resign and allow the public to elect honest replacements.

Tell Ney, Jefferson, Doolittle and Burns to resign

I am writing to ask that you resign from your Congressional position immediately so the public can elect honest replacements.

The best thing for you to do right now is to come clean, confess to any illegal or unethical acts you committed, and ask for forgiveness from the American people.

If you do not resign, the scandals will continue to swirl around you - impairing your ability to represent the public. For the good of your constituents, and the country, I urge you to resign from Congress immediately.

Sign Now
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» Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Impeach Bush

Action Links What is it going to take?   I struggle to understand how we have gotten ourselves into another Vietnam.   Those of us who grew up in the 60's thought that at the end of the un-necessary deaths, lies and criminality that was Richard M. Nixon, surely we would never let such a thing happen again.   The FISA court that Bush has decided is null and void was set up to curtail the black lists, spying on Americans and ensure that the rule of law was applied to all people.   The blatent disregard for law and the treasonous actions of George W. Bush are a blight on the American Dream.   His contempt for due process and outright dissolution of the Geneva Conventions are a slap in the face to the world community that now holds the U.S. responsible for the actions of a loose canon in our White House.   It is time for the madness to stop.   - fc
Let's Impeach The President
by Neil Young

Let's impeach the president for lying
And leading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door

He's the man who hired all the criminals
The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors
And bend the facts to fit with their new stories
Of why we have to send our men to war

Let's impeach the president for spying
On citizens inside their own homes
Breaking every law in the country
By tapping our computers and telephones

What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees
Would New Orleans have been safer that way
Sheltered by our government's protection
Or was someone just not home that day?

Let's impeach the president
For hijacking our religion and using it to get elected
Dividing our country into colors
And still leaving black people neglected

Thank god he's cracking down on steroids
Since he sold his old baseball team
There's lot of people looking at big trouble
But of course the president is clean
Thank God


» Monday, May 01, 2006

750 Laws

King or President What is it going to take?   It seems that every few days we have news that reveals that Bush has done something else to subvert the constitution.   He has penned 750 signing statements in the first five years of his reign.   In effect, he is above the law as implied by his interpretation of the Unitary Executive Theory.   Aint that special.   Make up your own rules as you play the game.   If you don't like the rules, just ignore them.   It's not illegal if the president says so.   It all reads like a poorly written primary school play where the little rich boy gets to do anything he wants to do.   The sad part is it is not a play.   It is the reign of terror that is the Republicans 2000 - 2008.   The Republicans can run but they can't hide.   Bush is their baby and they will pay the child support due to the American People, plus interest.   - fc

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