June 26th is the date that the United Nations has marked as the International Day in Support of Survivors and Victims of Torture. This year a coalition of human rights, civil liberties and faith organizations have declared June "Torture Awareness Month" in an effort to respond to the growing evidence that the United States government is engaging systematically in the use of torture and inhuman treatment as part of the "war on terror." We believe that the use of torture and inhuman treatment must end immediately and everyone involved in committing these abuses or fostering the environment in which they occurred be held accountable.
This website will provide you with action ideas and tools to help raise awareness in your community about the US government's use of torture and inhuman treatment. The month of action and education will culminate with special grassroots lobby efforts in Washington DC and around the country where we will urge Congress to pass legislation to stop the use of extraordinary rendition, or "outsourcing torture."
We thank you for your interest in participating in Torture Awareness Month. Your help is urgently needed.
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