» Monday, February 28, 2005

» Saturday, February 26, 2005
Lawrence Velvel, Dean of the University of Michigan Law School has joined the blogosphere to voice his personal opinion concerning Torture condoned by the present U.S. Administration and other legal issues. On his blog, Velvel on National Affairs he takes positions and responds to readers. There are several interesting articles. It is well worth the read. He left me a personal comment here on my blog and asked to be added to my mirror of the 'no-to-gonzales' blogroll list, which I did. I also added his blog to the new entries on my political links page. His site was so impressive I decided to add this post so that more people may have the chance to visit his blog. - fc |

» Thursday, February 24, 2005
Daily KOS | 2002 and 2003 by Atrios’ Eschaton | |
Honorable Mention - 2004 | ||
Angry Bear | Ignatz | Decembrist |
Talking Points Memo by Josh Marshall | 2002 Talking Points Memo |
Hullabaloo by Digby |
2002 Body and Soul by Jeanne D’Arc |
2003 Wiskey Bar by Billmon |
If America Were Iraq, What Would it be Like by Juan Cole Informed Comment |
2002 - Al Gore and the Alpha Girls by Jim Capozzola Rittenhouse Review |
2003 - What a Tangled Web We Weave by Billmon Whiskey Bar |
Honorable Mention - Best Post - 2004 | ||
Just Go by Riverbend Baghdad Burning |
Exit Interview by Tbogg Tbogg |
2004 - Co-Winner The Rise of Pseudo-Fascism by David Neiwert Orcinus |
2004 - Co-Winner Cheers and Jeers by Bill at Daily Kos Dairies Bill in Portland Maine |
2002 - Trent Lott by Atrios Eschaton 2003 - Rush, Newspeak and Facism by David Neiwert Orcinus |
MyDD | 2003 by Daily KOS |
Jesus’ General by J.C. Christian |
2002 Fanatical Apathy | 2003 TBogg |
Poker with Dick Cheney by the Poorman the Poorman |
2002 - Parody of Peggy Noonan by Jim Capozzola Pandagon |
2003 - Preznit, Giv me turkee by Atrios Eschaton |
Honorable Mention - Most Humerous Post - 2004 | ||
Second Night by Michael Bérubé Michael Bérubé |
What Kerry Should Say, Part 2 by The Rude Pundit The Rude Pundit |
Informed Comment by Juan Cole |
2003 by Informed Comment by Juan Cole |
2004 - Co-Winner Talk Left by Jeralyn Merritt |
2004 - Co-Winner Grits for Breakfast by Scott Henson |
2002 - 2003 Talk Left by Jeralyn Merritt |
Mouse Words by Amanda Marcotte |
2002 Roger Ailes by Roger Ailes |
2003 Kicking Ass by DNC |
Honorable Mention - 2004 | ||
James Walcott | Michael Bérubé | Brad Blog |
Suburban Guerrilla | 2003 South Knox Bubba |
Honorable Mention - 2004 | |
Dohiyi Mir | Majikthise |
Liberal Street Fighter - Meteor Blades |
2002 Hullabaloo - Digby |
2003 Seeing The Forest - John Emerson - aka Zizka |
Honorable Mention - 2004 Dohiyi Mir - NTodd |

» Wednesday, February 23, 2005
10:50 am 02-23-2005
We need to watch them like a hawk... |
Democrats are winning this fight, and should accept nothing less than surrender. Once the GOP has given up on phasing out the plan, we can either start a serious conversation about finding a balanced approach to Social Security reform, or else move on to addressing more pressing fiscal issues. Until then, trying to compromise with a party that knows no procedural or ethical restraints on its conduct and that's led by a president who's apparently hell-bent on destroying Social Security is a losing deal.
A good place to start is my 'no to gonzales vote list. It has the ones who said no and the ones who said 'yes' also. It also has all the new listings for the senators websites. It is Here. Dr Laniac's List is
- fc

» Sunday, February 20, 2005
1:10 pm 02-20-2005

» Friday, February 18, 2005
2:00 am 02-17-2005

» Wednesday, February 16, 2005
1:10 pm 02-16-2005
Tulsa newspaper threatens blogger
Batesline, a conservative blog has recieved a threatening letter to stop using parts or all of the Tulsa World newspater's copyright content and to stop linking (deep linking - links to specific articles). The Indy-Weblogs community along with Atrios and Dr Laniac have activated to respond to this situation. Unlike many right-wing fanatics who isolate and try to inhibit our freedom, I feel that I should support Mr Bates in general principle regarding fair use and rights to internet linking. It is also steeped in the first amendment rights of free speech and a free press. The power of the 'Old Media' is being challenged by bloggers and they don't like it. Tough! That is the reality of the 21st century. Bloggers are here to stay and have accepted the new power that we hold to make a difference.
- fc

» Sunday, February 13, 2005

2:20 pm 02-13-2005
Pergury Charges are in order.

» Saturday, February 12, 2005
4:32 pm 02-12-2005
These are the democtrats that voted Republican
'No-To-Gonzales' Vote List on my links page Dr Laniac's List
These are the democtrats that voted for torture because evidently they want to suck up to Bush for some reason.
Mary L. Landrieu - Louisiana's naive statement, Joe Lieberman - Connecticut, Ben Nelson - Nebraska, Bill Nelson - Florida, Mark Pryor - Arkansas, Ken Salazar - Colorado pre-vote statement.

» Wednesday, February 09, 2005
8:32 pm 02-09-2005
Thanks to my friend Cromwell at 'Political Hardball' for some links
What is weaponized uranium oxide gas? It's any high velocity bullet or shell, any High Explosive Bomb or missile made with uranium metal. The uranium components turn into uranium oxide gas after the high velocity bullet or shell penetrates anything solid and explodes, as much as 80% of it ignites, burns, and aerosolizes into tiny, tiny radioactive pieces and floats in the air as a gas, blown about by the wind. They can stay airborne for years and be re-suspended for years, over and over again. Missiles and bombs that explode as planned are blasted into uranium gas by the bomb's high explosive (HE). Pretty simple really. Once the uranium metal is worked into the business end of a bullet, tank shell, bomb, or missile the uranium oxide gas is "weaponized," and ready to go.
Depleted Uranium Information | |
Depleted Uranium | "Poison Fire, USA" - Russell Hoffman |
Depleted uranium: - Moret | world depleted uranium conference" |
American Free Press - C. Bollyn | traprock peace - DU Links |
Criminal World - axis of logic | 3 questions about DU - TrapRock Peace |
D.U. Education Project | Gulf War Illness Office - D.U |
D.U. Fed of Am Scientists | Gulf War Illness Office |
D.U. - BBC - uk | D.U. - The Silver Bullet |
D.U. - Sunday Herald | D.U. - The World Health Org |
BetterWorldLinks - D.U. | Traprock Misleads Public |
Safety and D.U. | Am Nuclear Scociety Links |

» Tuesday, February 08, 2005
8:32 am 02-06-2005
I have been very busy with re-doing my political links page to include the 'no-to-gonzales' blogroll list. It occured to me that we need to start publisizing a 'no-to-bush' list. That is a list of people who are standing up to bush, including many republicans in the last week or so. If we promote people who have the guts to stand up to this administration it can benefit everyone, democrat and republican. Those who stood up to rice and said no, publicly and on the record... will be added to the Ones who said no to Gonzales. « My 'No-To-Bush' List » | |
'No-To-Rice' --- 'No-To-Bush' | |
Akaka - email senator akaka | Harkin - harkin senate contact |

» Friday, February 04, 2005
8:23 pm 02-08-2005
The 'No-To-Gonzales' blogroll was developed from a simple list of websites that opposed Alberto Gonzales' nomination for Attorney General. There are 555 blogs on the list now, including mine. There is a mailing list that all the bloggers are hooked into that makes very fascinating reading. A lot of ideas getting tossed around with good things bound to come from it. A forum is being set up by the newsfare webmaster with details before long. As a result of this new activity there are some updates on several sections of the political links page. There are some new links in the 'Current Issues' section. I have also added a few links to the Dedicated Iraq Resources page. Please take the time to check out my 'Indy 500' Blogroll List. -fc | |
newsfare blogroll | my blogroll - mirror |
Daily KOS | newsfare |

» Wednesday, February 02, 2005