Operation Truth in conjuntion with the sites listed below have initiated a campaign to Honor our Troops that have given the ultimate sacrifice. If you do not have a chance to go to one of the meetings, there are still many things you can do to raise the awareness of these needless deaths. See the Operation Truth's
page for things you can do. Write or email your congressional representatives or your local newspapers. Stay informed and help fight this unjust and illegal war. - fc
Honor The Fallen Campaign
At Operation Truth...
2000 American Troops have now been killed in Iraq, but for over two years, our newspapers have failed to adequately honor the sacrifice of America 's servicemembers. Putting the names of the fallen on page A14 is an insult to America 's Troops and to the families of the fallen, and is yet another example of poor media coverage of the war.
For several months, Operation Truth has listed the names of our fallen servicemembers on its first page and we ask that our nation's newpapers do the same. Help us accomplish this critical first step in honoring our fallen servicemembers.
There are 1333 events planned nationwide as is reflected on the MoveOn Civic Action page. If you cannot attend a meeting, there are other things you can do. More information and things you can do to help are located at
Operation Truth :: Honor The Fallen
Endorsed by

"Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation is dedicated to addressing the consequences of war. As an international humanitarian organization founded by veterans, we strive to honor the memory of any war's fallen soldiers as much as its innocent civilians through our programs of advocacy and service to victims of conflict. We proudly stand with all who are participating in 'Honor the Fallen' so those who have lost their lives in Iraq will not be forgotten."
- Bill Belding, President/CEO,
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation

"With American soldiers and Iraqi civilians still dying on a daily basis in Iraq, it's long past time our country has a serious debate on how to succeed in Iraq. That won't happen until the human cost becomes front page news."
- Charles Sheehan-Miles, Executive Director,
Veterans for Common Sense

"Many of our brave servicemen and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for this war. The least we can do is make sure they are honored in the way they deserve to be, on the front page of all newspapers, both for them and their families."
- Jim Dean, Chair,
Democracy for America

"We can't turn our faces away, just because acknowledging these deaths and asking why is painful. American military men and women live the reality of the Iraq war every day; American media should not hide it in the back pages."
- Matt Holland, Coordinator,
True Majority Action

"Mainstream media has obediently regurgitated White House and Pentagon spin for too long on the Iraq War. Big media are treating government officials with kid gloves in exchange for access and lucrative policy favors, all the while slashing newsroom budgets to boost their bottom line. It's time for the media to show the real costs of this war and hold government accountable."
- Josh Silver, Executive Director,
Free Press

This week, the number of American soldiers lost while serving in Iraq reached over 2000. While thousands of families have made the ultimate sacrifice, thousands more send their children and loved ones off to a war that seems to have no end in sight.
Today, Wednesday, October 26, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. we will gather at vigils to remember and honor our fallen soldiers and ask, "How many more?"
Thousands of us will solemnly gather together and acknowledge the sacrifices made by over 2000 American men and women in Iraq and their families and speak out against the war.
MoveOn.org CivicAction